Yomiuri Newspaper   January 25th 2006

BEYOND NEW YORK Art Exhibition at 130 Gallery in Japan

We would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals who have supported in bringing this project together.We will be honored if this project becomes a small bridge between the Eastern and the Western culture in the future international relationships. With your understanding, please, continue to guide us from now on also. Once again, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.

                                                                                       A-forest Project


                                                                     エー・フォレスト プロジェクト 一同

We would like to extend our gratitude to following sponsor and supporters of this event.
Thank you very much for all your help and support.


Sponsor / 協賛 

OWLS Co., Ltd. / 株式会社アウルズ

Supporters / 後援

Kitakyushu International Association (KIA) / 財団法人 北九州国際交流協会

Kitakyushu International Exchange Network (Keynet) / 北九州国際交流団体ネットワーク(キーネット)

Kitakyushu Japan America Association / 北九州日米協会

Currents / 流(カレンツ)

Chigusa Hotel / 千草ホテル

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                                             Opening reception